People of Saint Martha Parish,
In the interest of transparency and full disclosure, we are letting you know that we learned late Sunday of a positive COVID test for two individuals in our Saint Martha School community. The affected grade cohort will be on a fourteen-day quarantine and the parish will be closed tomorrow (Monday) for a deep cleaning of the school. The cleaning will include the church area, which school students use for prayer, and where they attend Mass. At the recommendation of the Ingham County Health Department, the school also will be closed on Tuesday.
From the outset, we have been entirely serious in our approach to COVID, and we will remain so. We can assure you that anyone attending Mass or using the church in any other manner has been required to wear a mask and maintain at least six feet of social distance at all times within the church. As indicated, though, we want to be the ones to deliver this news.
Please pray for our parish and school, and for the entire community, as we continue to face this unprecedented challenge.
May God bless you.