Please welcome Mr. Gregg Alchin to our parish! Gregg has been hired as our Director of Facilities and Maintenance. Gregg comes to us with a wealth of experience and knowledge in mechanical engineering, construction management, and plumbing. I am so happy that he is now part of the team! He and Don Morgan know each other very well. Don continues to work with Gregg in consultation and on bigger projects.
The priests of the Diocese of Lansing will be away on our annual convocation with Bishop Boyea next week. Masses on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday will be prayed as scheduled. Tuesday we will have a communion service and no confessions.
Gospel Reflection
Obviously, Jesus would not have made a good businessman! It would make no sense to pay an employee a full day’s wage for time not worked. This would negatively affect the bottom line. Not only that, those who worked longer received an equal amount of pay as those who worked less - much less. This seems unjust. This would be absurd! The absurdity in today’s Gospel is precisely the point.
Justice was certainly upheld as each of the contracted laborers received the negotiated payment for their work. The rub of the parable is that those who worked less received the same daily wage as those who worked more. Today’s first reading gives us this insight, “...our God who is generous in forgiving. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways…” God cannot be outdone in generosity. And, thank God for that!
How many of us really deserve forgiveness? How many of us find it difficult to forgive those who have wronged us? Yet, every time we break the commandments, every time we hurt our relationship with the Lord, He lavishes his mercy upon those who seek him. It makes no sense to us because, more often than not, we want to lean into justice bordering on revenge. But, God’s thoughts are not our thoughts nor are His ways our ways. Thank God that we have a God who is both just and generous in mercy. We do not deserve his mercy, but thank God He chooses to lavish mercy upon us.
Take time today to reflect on the myriad of ways in which you have received God’s generosity. As you reflect on that, pray for the grace to offer the same generosity to someone who, perhaps, has wronged you. Or, if you have not sought reconciliation with God, pray for the courage to make a good confession where you will receive nothing but God’s forgiveness and generosity.