As we near the upcoming election, Fr. Ryan invites you to come listen to Mr. Paul Stankewitz, Public Policy Advocate for the Michigan Catholic Conference, speak about Faithful Citizenship on Thursday, September 19 at 6:30pm in the parish hall.
This presentation will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to make informed choices. Explore the essential principles of Catholic social teaching, focusing on conscience, moral decision-making, and the common good. Find practical advice on staying informed, engaging in respectful dialogue, making your voice heard, and praying before you cast a vote. Prepare spiritually and intellectually for this important election.
Paul Stankewitz is a Policy Advocate for the Michigan Catholic Conference. Prior to joining the MCC staff, Mr. Stankewitz served as City Manager of Onaway from 1988-2001, when he left to take a position as director of the Michigan Catholic Rural Life Coalition. In 2004, he joined the staff of the MCC and advocates on education issues as well as regulatory policies that preserve and protect essential services needed by the State's most vulnerable population. Mr. Stankewitz holds a bachelor's degree in public policy as well as a master's degree in public administration, both from Michigan State University.
Founded in 1963, the Michigan Catholic Conference serves as the official voice of the Catholic Church in Michigan on matters of public policy. In addition, the Michigan Catholic Conference develops, coordinates, and manages programs that provide retirement benefits, health, dental, disability, and life insurance coverage for lay employees and clergy, as well as property and casualty coverage for the Church throughout Michigan.