We often overlook the significance of the Sacraments and the graces that we receive from them. God desires that we live in peace, grace, and harmony with Him and all of creation. Being imperfect humans, we cannot achieve this without the grace and mercy of God - and the Sacraments he provides us through the Catholic Church!
This Sunday, we contine this awesome new series by focusing on the Eucharist.
The Eucharist is one of the essential Sacraments, and receiving the Eucharist regularly is important to our Catholic faith because it strengthens our relationship with God. When we receive the Eucharist, Christ truly dwells in us and we in Him, and we are remided of his deep love and sacrifice for us. Our vocation on this earth is to be holy and to follow God’s commandments, which include taking the Eucharist, so we can live with God eternally. Receiving the Eucharist regularly helps strengthen the relationship with Christ, as each of us in honored to meet Him on the alter at every Mass.
Join us for more learning, discussion, and friendship as we explore deeper the beauty and power of Christ in the Eucharist!