While we can (and should) see God throughout our lives, the liturgy - especially the Mass - is the most profound place to encounter our loving Father. We have a variety of liturgical ministries available, and we can always use more help. See below for brief descriptions of these ministries, and reach out to us if you have any questions!
If you are interested in learning more about liturgical ministries or are ready to be trained as a minister, contact Jackie Rosalez, Director of Faith Formation.
If you have already been trained to lector or sacristan at Saint Martha, contact the Parish office to discuss being added to Ministry Scheduler Pro.
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Thank you for being a very important minister at St. Martha!
Lectors have the privilege and responsibility of reverently proclaiming the Word of God to the assembly, so that it may grow and abide in our hearts. Training is offered for anyone who would like to serve our family of faith in this capacity.
Sacristans assist the priest at each Mass by getting the Lectionary and Book of Gospels ready, setting up the altar, preparing the credence table for communion, securing enough Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, helping the Priest in the Sacristy before and after Mass and during weddings and funerals, and with cleaning up the communion vessels.
Altar Servers provide much-needed assistance to the priest and deacon at Mass and other liturgical celebrations. They are boys and girls in the fourth grade or older. Training occurs in the fall and spring, and by special appointment.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are servants of Christ to our community, assisting at liturgy in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ, and in bringing Communion to the nursing homes, hospitals, and homebound. Training is offered for anyone who is confirmed and would like to serve in this capacity.