Jesus had just spent hours and hours telling parables to a large crowd at the sea and was exhausted. He and the disciples were heading to the other side of the water while Jesus rested in the boat. A storm blew in that was so fierce that the disciples were afraid for their lives.
So there they are in the wind and rain, no doubt panicking and trying to fix the situation, while the boat is being tossed about and is taking on water - all while Jesus slept.
Of course, we know from the gospel (and the fact that we do not wear tiny fishing boats on necklaces instead of crosses) that they did not die on the sea that night. Instead, they woke Jesus up, and he calmed the storm. But that brings up a few questions: Why did they have the storm at all if Jesus was with them? What good is being friends with the Son of God if you can’t reap the benefits of smooth sailing all the time? And, possibly most importantly, where can I buy a cushion so comfortable that it helps you sleep through bad weather?
Never in the bible does it tell us that following and believing in God will make life easier for us. In fact, it pretty much tells us exactly the opposite. We will still experience hardship, loss, and death, but we will do so with a different attitude. Why? Because we have Jesus in our boat.
As human beings, there will be times when we find ourselves in the middle of situations where it feels like our lives are taking on water and we are afraid that we will go under. In those instances, it is easy to try and fix things by ourselves, but we usually end up making it harder. If the disciples had been able to navigate through the storm by themselves, they never would have woken Jesus up from his nap, but they couldn't. And neither can we. We need to engage the other person in the boat.
We know, and the author of Job reminds us in the first reading, that God is the creator of everything and, as such, has authority over it. One of the many benefits of having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is that He actually wants us to call on Him in the midst of trials. This is precisely why we should go to Him with our fears, bring Him our pain, and invite Him into our storms - He has the ability to help.
Think about what is going on in your life right now. What is happening that needs to be quieted? What is raging that needs to be stilled?
Bring these issues to Jesus so He can speak the words that calmed the waters, “Quiet! Be still!”
Most importantly, when you feel like you are drowning, remember the other person in the boat.