As we move into the capital campaign, I want to assure everyone that more information is forthcoming including how we arrived here, what we plan to do, and where we are going. Since the feasibility study wrapped up, Ben Giles from the Steier Group has been on board for a couple of weeks diligently planning and setting forth a strategy for the implementation of our campaign.
The Stewardship for Saints and Scholars diocesan initiative and our combined campaign to construct new school classrooms are exciting opportunities to position, not only the Diocese of Lansing, but also St. Martha Parish and School for success well into the future. These things always make me a little nervous, but I am very excited for the future of the parish!
Even with the campaign, we also need to continuously operate the parish. This includes all of our day-to-day needs - regular maintenance, payroll, utilities, programming, worship, the school, faith formation, everything! I want to stress that the capital campaign is a pledge paid over five years in addition to what we already give and tithe to the parish. I know this is a stretch for everyone, including myself, but if we don’t do it now, we would likely have to wait another five to seven years before we could do any substantial fundraising for parish needs.
In an effort to avert any surprises this year, I wanted to lay out our fundraising plan in addition to the capital campaign. Much of this should be familiar to everyone. These fundraisers, with the exception of anything requested by the diocese, help us to operate the parish and are included in our yearly operating budget. Without them, we would fall significantly short to cover expenses.
· July 6-7: Annual Summer Mission Appeal for the Foundation of Children in Need
· July 27-28: Diocesan Appeal for Ave Maria Radio to purchase a building and begin Catholic radio in the Lansing area
· August - November: Annual Parish Fundraiser/Auction (Auction date: November 16)
· August - October: Stewardship for Saints and Scholars Combined Capital Campaign - pledged over five years
· Lent 2025: Diocesan Services Appeal - 50% of funds over goal come back to the parish.
· Spring 2025: Cash Raffle (new, not familiar to most people as mentioned above)
· Affordable Tuition Fund - ongoing year-round
I am most thankful for your generosity toward the parish. I cannot convey my gratitude adequately as words do not suffice. Without your continued support, we could not move Christ’s mission forward. Your generosity is a testament to your faith, hope, and love, and it is astonishing to witness. So, from the bottom of my heart - thank you!
Worship is the heart of the parish; it is the heart of what we do. Moses implored Pharaoh to let his people go on a three day’s journey to offer right worship to God. Worship was at the heart of the law given to Moses by God. Worship remains at the heart of the new law in Christ, particularly in instituting the Eucharist at the Last Supper. Worship is of primary importance.
In the coming weeks, Deacon Jack will be reaching out to our current liturgical ministers - lectors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, and sacristans - for a required morning of reflection and a training refresher. Anyone who is interested in beginning such a ministry is most welcome to join as well. This will take place sometime after the ministry fair in the fall.
We also need additional altar servers and ushers. We will be setting dates for trainings to add more people into the mix.
I want to comment on the importance of scheduling your availability. Without the help of liturgical ministers, we would not be able to offer meaningful, reverent, and holy worship. The priests and deacons cannot possibly do all of this on our own with a parish this size. We use the schedules so that we can ensure people will be here to lector, serve, etc. Please be mindful of the schedule, particularly lectors and altar servers, and make it a point to keep your availability and sub requests up to date and accurate. Our Ministry Scheduler Pro software makes it easy to update your preferences. If you have any questions on how to use it, please contact the front office.
Summer has not been the restful time I had anticipated. Typically, things slow down in the summer because parish programming is paused and school is out. It is often a more relaxed time in the office and around the parish. That has not been the case this year. There is a lot going on - which is good, to be sure!
In our Gospel today, after having labored in the towns and villages proclaiming the Good News, Jesus’s Apostles return and report the work they had done. What is Jesus’s response? Rest! Rest is important! If we are not filling ourselves up, we will have nothing to give. We are created for three things - labor, leisure, and love. We see this in the creation story. God himself worked. God himself rested. God himself loved everything into being.
As we move into the dog days of summer, I want to encourage everyone to take time to rest and pray! Take advantage of the long days, the summer nights, and time with your families and friends. Be sure to spend time in quiet, meditative prayer with God’s Word so as to rest in Him; allow Him to fill you up with an abundance of his grace.
Know of my prayers for you all!
Fr. Ryan